03-741 Warszawa, ul. Brzeska 24 bud B, lok 105-106

Rules and course of cooperation

An accounting office where your accounting will be in good hands

Rules and course of cooperation

Rules of cooperation

Accounting services provided in Warsaw, in the Ochota district, include cooperation with large companies with an extensive organizational structure, as well as sole proprietorships and other commercial law companies.

We assure our clients of full confidentiality of our activities, availability and openness to individual expectations.

Basics of cooperation

The basis of all our activities is a written contract signed with the client. At this stage, we also make other arrangements – we agree, among others:

  • the date of receipt of the company documentation, or – if such arrangements are made – its delivery to our office,
  • the scope of services that the client wants to commission us,
  • the cost of services, which very often depends on individual factors – e.g. the extensiveness of the documentation entrusted to us.

The course of cooperation

We approach the issue of contact with the client with caution, not forgetting to keep them informed about the ongoing work. For a smooth and hassle-free experience, you can expect monthly reports and summaries. However, in situations where we detect an error, contact is immediate. We want to correct the invoice or other document that requires it as soon as possible.

Basics of cooperation

Contact with the accountant

We offer not only specific registration activities, but also support for clients in the area of finance while running a business. At the end of the month, we remind you of the need to prepare and provide us with appropriate documentation that will allow us to carry out monthly settlements. By informing about upcoming deadlines, you will avoid delays, and thus – possible financial penalties.

Preparation of documents

Preparation of documents

Każdy przedsiębiorca zobowiązany jest do posiadania i archiwizowania kompletnej dokumentacji swojej działalności oraz utrzymania w niej porządku. Choć nie wymagamy od naszych klientów profesjonalnego przygotowania dokumentacji, zawsze podkreślamy, że zachowanie odpowiedniego modelu jej uporządkowania korzystnie wpływa na tempo naszej pracy. Podstawowym kryterium jest w tym miejscu chronologia. Doskonale wiemy, że niejednokrotnie budzi ona wiele zastrzeżeń i pytań. Dlatego przedstawiamy kilka istotnych zasad, które z pewnością ułatwią Państwu archiwizację:

  • zdarzenia długotrwałe archiwizujemy zgodnie z datą przyjęcia dokumentu (data podpisania umowy, data zdania delegacji),
  • zawsze umieszczamy na dokumentach datę ich otrzymania,
  • kryterium dla dokumentów dotyczących sprzedaży towarów lub usług jest data transakcji (podobnie z dokumentami zakupu),
  • wyciągi bankowe czy też kwity kasowe układamy zawsze zgodnie z datą ich wydrukowania,
  • dla pozostałych, niesklasyfikowanych wyżej dokumentów, kryterium jest data zdarzenia gospodarczego, którego dotyczą.

We find a solution for every problem

We help in all tasks related to accounting services. We are here to support you with our experience and knowledge, so if the very method of preparing the documentation raises many doubts – please contact us.

We know from experience that delays in the preparation of documentation are often not the fault of the client, but the contractors’ failure to meet the deadlines (they did not provide a copy of the sales invoice). If such problems are part of your everyday business life, we recommend an alternative solution at the beginning of cooperation – issuing two copies of sales invoices. One, prepared for our use, will allow us to make all settlements on time.

Document templates do not always meet the needs of a given record. Often an entrepreneur faces the challenge of drawing up an unusual document. We are fully prepared to create original documentation templates – from correction notes to export invoices.

A convenient form of submitting documents

We determine the method of transferring documents at the beginning of cooperation with the client. This is one of the elements that has a key impact on the smoothness of our operations. We remain completely open to your needs. If a more convenient solution is the personal delivery of documentation – then we agree on the best date. However, if, due to current obligations, you are unable to make such a commitment, we are able to arrange the collection of documentation. In this case, we also set a convenient date and place of collection, which is usually the seat of your company.

A convenient form of submitting documents

Savings from staffing

For many companies, running a department responsible for HR services is a space of endless expenses related to the need to purchase professional software, employ HR experts, as well as separating and developing office space in which the new department could perform its duties. Often these costs are difficult to predict – a simple hardware failure can significantly increase monthly expenses. Starting cooperation with our accounting office is a solution that ensures expenses at the same level.

Savings from staffing

First of all – the costs related to HR and payroll services are fixed, included in the contract.
Secondly – you are guaranteed that you are working with qualified experts.
Thirdly – we operate comprehensively, which will allow you to avoid the need to periodically or ad hoc outsource individual accounting tasks – we will take care of everything (starting from the preparation of contracts, through the completion of personal files of employees, registration of employees for insurance, to conducting a full analysis of currently paid contributions and implementation – if it is possible and beneficial – of appropriate optimizations).

We would like to point out that the final model of cooperation depends on individual arrangements. You can count on full flexibility and adjusting the terms of the contract to the needs of your company. We will also be happy to answer any questions about cooperation.